Interactions between iota2 and the configuration file ----------------------------------------------------- The configuration file is the only way for the user to communicate setting information to iota2. This information must be checked before iota2 is started. This check must be as exhaustive as possible: check that the format is correct (string, integer, list, ...), that the files listed exist or that the parameters are consistent with each other. We have chosen to use `pydantic `_ to model the parameters and make the connection between the configuration file and iota2. Indeed, pydantic allows us to simply model the constraints on each of the parameters. This documentation will be divided into two parts: how to integrate a new section into the configuration file and/or how to complete an existing one. Then it will be detailed the specificities of the use of pydantic in iota2 Integration of a new section with its parameters ************************************************ Adding a section without constraints on the parameters ======================================================= Let's take the example of creating a section called 'my_new_section' which would contains 3 parameters 'param_1', 'param_2' and 'param_3'. Step 1: create the section class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python from typing import Any, ClassVar from pydantic import Field from iota2.configuration_files.sections.cfg_utils import Iota2ParamSection class MyNewSection(Iota2ParamSection): """This define my new cfg section, containing new parameters.""" section_name: ClassVar[str] = "my_new_section" param_1: str = Field( None, doc_type="None", short_desc="param_1 short description", long_desc=("This is the not mandatory 'long_desc' of the 'param_1'. " "This parameter is useful to describe more precisely the " "use of the parameter (constraints, limits...) "), available_on_builders=["i2_classification"], mandatory_on_builders=[]) param_2: Any = Field( None, doc_type="None", short_desc="param_2 short description", long_desc=("This is the not mandatory 'long_desc' of the 'param_2'. " "This parameter is useful to describe more precisely the " "use of the parameter (constraints, limits...) "), available_on_builders=["i2_classification"], mandatory_on_builders=[]) param_3: Any = Field( None, doc_type="None", short_desc="param_3 short description", long_desc=("This is the not mandatory 'long_desc' of the 'param_3'. " "This parameter is useful to describe more precisely the " "use of the parameter (constraints, limits...) "), available_on_builders=["i2_classification"], mandatory_on_builders=[]) Step 2: add the section to the list of sections imported by iota2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The new class section must be added to the list of possible sections in the class that reads the config file. The class in charge of reading the configuration file is iota2.configuration_files.read_config_file.read_config_file. the class attribute ``i2_available_sections`` must contains the new section .. code-block:: python i2_available_sections = [ BuilderSection, ChainSection, ClassifSection, TaskRetry, TrainSection, CoregistrationSection, SensorsDataInterpSection, I2FeatureExtractionSection, DimRedSection, ExternalFeaturesSection, PythonDataManagingSection, SciKitSection, SimplificationSection, Landsat8Section, Landsat8OldSection, Sentinel2TheiaSection, Sentinel2S2CSection, Sentinel2L3ASection, Landsat5OldSection, UserFeatSection, OBIASection, MyNewSection ] Once the steps 1 and 2 are completed, then you are able to request your new section's parameters. Step 3: Access to parameter value ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Access to the parameters thanks to the ``getParam()`` method. Considering a configuration file containing .. code-block:: python my_new_section : { param_1:"some string" param_2:2 param_3:[1,"2", 3] } .. code-block:: python import iota2.configuration_files.read_config_file as rcf i2_cfg_params = rcf.read_config_file(self.cfg) print(self.i2_cfg_params.getParam("my_new_section", "param_1")) print(self.i2_cfg_params.getParam("my_new_section", "param_2")) print(self.i2_cfg_params.getParam("my_new_section", "param_3")) will return .. code-block:: console some string 2 [1, '2', 3] Details about the construction of the section and its parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inheritance +++++++++++ All sections must inherit from the ``Iota2ParamSection`` class. This class provides several services, for example ``unrecognized_fields`` which automatically detects whether the field in the configuration file is known or not. For example, without changing anything in our ``MyNewSection`` class, if the configuration file contains : .. code-block:: python my_new_section : { param_1:"some string" param_2:2 param_3:[1,"2", 3] param_4:"some value" } Then when iota2 will launched a warning will inform the user that the ``param_4`` parameter is unknown in the terminal: .. code-block:: console ConfigNotRecognisedParamWarning: iota2 configuration file warning : 'param_4' parameter not recognised The ``dict``, ``deactivate_fields`` and ``add_fields`` methods from the class ``Iota2ParamSection`` allow iota2 to handle the total removal of certain fields. This functionality is used to remove fields that are exclusive to a certain builder. We will see this in more detail in a concrete example in the section :ref:`Make a parameter mandatory for a builder ` Typing ++++++ In the example above, ``param_1`` get the type hint ``str``, others are typed ``Any``. These ``type hints`` will automatically be used by pydantic to check the type of the field. It is possible to use conventional python types, or custom classes. Using the Field class +++++++++++++++++++++ It is strongly recommended to use the `Field `_ class provided by pydantic. Natively, this class allows to store extra arguments. In iota2, we have chosen to add the ``doc_type``, ``short_desc``, ``long_desc``, ``available_on_builders`` and ``mandatory_on_builders`` parameters. The ``doc_type``, ``short_desc``, ``long_desc`` and ``available_on_builders`` parameters are only dedicated to the automatic generation of documentation. The ``mandatory_on_builders`` parameter allows you to target for which builders a parameter cannot receive a default value. As iota2 implements several builders, it is clear that it is necessary to manage the deactivation of certain fields if they are specific to a builder that will not be used at runtime, especially if the field does not have a default value. You must then inform iota2 for which builder the parameter is available and whether it is mandatory. This information about the default value or not with regard to the builder is the first of the constraints we will see. .. Note:: The first argument of the Field class is the default value. If there is no default value, then the parameter become mandatory. Adding constraints on parameters ================================ .. _Make_a_parameter_mandatory for_a_builder: Make a parameter mandatory for a builder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider that in our ``my_new_section`` the parameter ``param_1`` will be shared between the builders ``i2_classification`` and ``i2_vectorization``. The ``param_2`` will be only used by the ``i2_classification`` builder and ``param_3`` only by the ``i2_vectorization`` builder. Also, ``param_1`` and ``param_3`` will not have default values. Our ``MyNewSection`` class then becomes : .. code-block:: python class MyNewSection(Iota2ParamSection): """This define my new cfg section, containing new parameters.""" section_name: ClassVar[str] = "my_new_section" param_1: str = Field( doc_type="None", short_desc="param_1 short description", long_desc=("This is the not mandatory 'long_desc' of the 'param_1'. " "This parameter is useful to describe more precisely the " "use of the parameter (constraints, limits...) "), available_on_builders=["i2_classification", "i2_vectorization"], mandatory_on_builders=["i2_classification", "i2_vectorization"]) param_2: Any = Field( None, doc_type="None", short_desc="param_2 short description", long_desc=("This is the not mandatory 'long_desc' of the 'param_2'. " "This parameter is useful to describe more precisely the " "use of the parameter (constraints, limits...) "), available_on_builders=["i2_classification"], mandatory_on_builders=[]) param_3: Any = Field( doc_type="None", short_desc="param_3 short description", long_desc=("This is the not mandatory 'long_desc' of the 'param_3'. " "This parameter is useful to describe more precisely the " "use of the parameter (constraints, limits...) "), available_on_builders=["i2_vectorization"], mandatory_on_builders=["i2_vectorization"]) The param_3 ``mandatory_on_builders`` parameter value receive ``["i2_vectorization"]`` while param_1 ``mandatory_on_builders`` get ``["i2_classification", "i2_vectorization"]``. If the configuration using the builder ``i2_vectorization`` file contains : .. code-block:: python my_new_section : { param_1:"some string" param_2:2 } builders: { builders_class_name : ["i2_vectorization"] } the following error is thrown : .. code-block:: console pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation error for MyNewSection param_3 field required (type=value_error.missing) However by using the ``i2_classification`` builder instead of the ``i2_vectorization`` one as : .. code-block:: python my_new_section : { param_1:"some string" param_2:2 } builders: { builders_class_name : ["i2_classification"] } no errors are thrown, even if the ``param_3`` has no default values in our class ``MyNewSection``. This is possible because before instanciating the class, iota2 disables unnecessary fields. Literal ~~~~~~~ It is possible to constrain the acceptable values of a parameter using the ``Literal`` type hint. For example if we want ``param_2`` values to be in [1,2, "3"] : .. code-block:: python from typing import Literal param_2: Literal[1,2,"3"] = Field(None, doc_type="None", short_desc="param_2 short description", long_desc=("This is the not mandatory 'long_desc' of the 'param_2'. " "This parameter is useful to describe more precisely the " "use of the parameter (constraints, limits...) "), available_on_builders=["i2_classification"], mandatory_on_builders=[]) .. Note:: It is possible to have different types of values in the list of expected values. Parameters validators : pre=False/True, always, root validator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pydantic comes with a field validation system they are called ``validators``. These validators can be used to check other constraints than the data type and to raise python exception if the constraint is not reach. To add a validator to the field, we have to decorate a function with the ``validator`` decorator where the first argument is the field name we want to validate. Below are some examples of how to use validators or root validators with the ``pre`` and/or ``always`` option. .. code-block:: python from pydantic import Field, root_validator, validator class MyNewSection(Iota2ParamSection): """This define my new cfg section, containing new parameters.""" section_name: ClassVar[str] = "my_new_section" param_1: int = Field( "param_1_default", doc_type="None", short_desc="param_1 short description", long_desc=("This is the not mandatory 'long_desc' of the 'param_1'. " "This parameter is useful to describe more precisely the " "use of the parameter (constraints, limits...) "), available_on_builders=["i2_classification", "i2_vectorization"], mandatory_on_builders=["i2_classification", "i2_vectorization"]) param_2: Literal[1, 2, "3"] = Field( None, doc_type="None", short_desc="param_2 short description", long_desc=("This is the not mandatory 'long_desc' of the 'param_2'. " "This parameter is useful to describe more precisely the " "use of the parameter (constraints, limits...) "), available_on_builders=["i2_classification"], mandatory_on_builders=[]) param_3: Any = Field( None, doc_type="None", short_desc="param_3 short description", long_desc=("This is the not mandatory 'long_desc' of the 'param_3'. " "This parameter is useful to describe more precisely the " "use of the parameter (constraints, limits...) "), available_on_builders=["i2_vectorization"], mandatory_on_builders=["i2_vectorization"]) @validator("param_1", pre=False) @classmethod def val_1(cls, param): print(f"input val_1 : {param}") if param is not None: param = param + "_val_1" return param @validator("param_1", pre=True, always=True) @classmethod def val_2(cls, param): print(f"input val_2 : {param}") if param is not None: param = param + "_val_2" return param @root_validator() @classmethod def my_root_val(cls, values): """Automatically enable external features on conditions.""" print(f"root validaror inputs : {values}") return values Every call of read_config_file("/path/to/my_cfg.cfg") will produce the trace : .. code-block:: python input val_2 : some string input val_1 : some string_val_2 root validaror inputs : {'param_1': 'some string_val_2_val_1', 'param_2': 1, 'param_3': None, 'builders': ['i2_classification']} The parameter ``pre=True`` mean that the concerned validator must be the first to be called on this parameter. The ``root_validator`` get the entire section as inputs, this is the place to validate parameters at section level. The argument ``always=True`` mean that every values must be validated, even the default ones ie : if the ``param_1`` has no value in the configuration file, the trace become : .. code-block:: python input val_2 : param_1_default input val_1 : param_1_default_val_2 root validaror inputs : {'param_1': 'param_1_default_val_2_val_1', 'param_2': 1, 'param_3': None, 'builders': ['i2_classification']} .. warning:: It is also interesting to note that the root validator receives the ``builders`` section. This section is here for information purposes and to modulate the behaviour of the field according to the builders requested by the user. the above examples are only an overview of the use of pydantic validators, more information is available in the pydantic `documentation `_. Adding constraints across different sections ============================================ The section's scope is limited to their own class, section classes cannot see the values of other sections. In iota2, we decided that it would be up to the builder :doc:`builders ` to see overall view and check for compatibility between parameters present in different sections. This check is done by calling the `pre_check `_ method. Thanks to the ``self.i2_cfg_params`` attribute present in all builders, all parameters in the configuration file are accessible via the ``getParam(section_name, field_value)`` method. Adding a new builder ==================== You only need to modify the pydantic class which contains the builders section. For example, if you need to add the builder ``new_builder`` : .. code-block:: python class BuilderSection(BaseModel): """Parameters of the section 'builders'.""" section_name: ClassVar[str] = I2_CONST.i2_builders_section avail_builders: ClassVar[Tuple[str]] = ("i2_classification", "i2_vectorization", "i2_features_map", "i2_obia", "new_builder") builders_paths: List[str] = Field( None, doc_type="str", short_desc="The path to user builders", long_desc=("If not indicated, the iota2 source directory" " is used: */iota2/sequence_builders/"), available_on_builders=("i2_classification", "i2_vectorization", "i2_features_map", "i2_obia", "new_builder")) builders_class_name: List[str] = Field( ["i2_classification"], doc_type="list", short_desc="The name of the class defining the builder", long_desc=("Available builders are : 'i2_classification', " "'i2_features_map', 'i2_obia' and 'i2_vectorization'"), available_on_builders=("i2_classification", "i2_vectorization", "i2_features_map", "i2_obia", "new_builder")) and possibly modify the ``builders_compatibility`` validator from the class ``BuilderSection`` which checks the consistency of builders to be run. .. Note:: the class ``BuilderSection`` must not inherit from ``Iota2ParamSection``. Clarification on the Operation of the baseclass class Iota2ParamSection *********************************************************************** The reading of the configuration file must pass only through the read_config_file class. The role of this class is to read the configuration file, to check the typing of the fields in the configuration file and to check the consistency of the parameters within the same section, not across different sections. It is also via this class and in particular the ``get_params_descriptions()`` method that the documentation is generated. The design of the configuration file class was mainly thought to answer the need to gather under the same class the reading of configuration files dedicated to different builders which may or may not share fields. Knowing that iota2 can run several builders sequentially or in different executions, the difficulty lies in disabling certain fields (which may not have default values) depending on the builders involved. The implemented solution is to first read the ``builders`` section of the configuration file and to add add the value of the requested builders by adding a new field in each sections thanks to the class method ``add_fields``. Once the class is instantiated, the root_validator ``deactivate_fields`` (from ``Iota2ParamSection``) will disable any fields which are not used by the builders requested by the user. It is for this reason that the section classes must all inherit from Iota2ParamSection and there is no global root_validator in the class that models the fields. The extra-section validations are then done after instantiating all sections at the builders level. Below is a snippet of class ``Iota2ParamSection`` .. code-block:: python class Iota2ParamSection(BaseModel, extra=Extra.allow): @root_validator(pre=True) @classmethod def deactivate_fields(cls, values): """Deactivate non-mandatory parameters (regarding builders).""" current_builders = cls.schema()["properties"][ I2_CONST.i2_builders_section]["default"] avail_fields = list(cls.__fields__.keys()) for field in avail_fields: mandatory_on_builders = cls.schema()["properties"][field].get( "mandatory_on_builders", {}) if mandatory_on_builders: buff = [] for current_builder in current_builders: buff.append(current_builder in mandatory_on_builders) if not any(buff): # deactivate cls.__fields__.get(field).required = False else: cls.__fields__.get(field).required = True return values @classmethod def add_fields(cls, **field_definitions: Any): """Add fields to an existing BaseModel. Tribute to Note ---- If the field already exists, it will be overwritted """ new_fields: Dict[str, ModelField] = {} new_annotations: Dict[str, Optional[type]] = {} for f_name, f_def in field_definitions.items(): if isinstance(f_def, tuple): try: f_annotation, f_value = f_def except ValueError as err: raise Exception( ("field definitions should either be " "a tuple of (, ) or just a " "default value, unfortunately this means tuples as " "default values are not allowed")) from err else: f_annotation, f_value = None, f_def if f_annotation: new_annotations[f_name] = f_annotation new_fields[f_name] = ModelField.infer(name=f_name, value=f_value, annotation=f_annotation, class_validators=None, config=cls.__config__) # remove before update for field_name, _ in new_fields.items(): cls.__fields__.pop(field_name, None) for annotation, _ in new_annotations.items(): cls.__annotations__.pop(annotation, None) cls.__fields__.update(new_fields) cls.__annotations__.update(new_annotations) for _, field_meta in new_fields.items(): cls.schema()["properties"][ I2_CONST.i2_builders_section]["default"] = field_meta.default Actually, the method deactivate_fields is a ``root_validator(pre=True)`` which allow iota2 to get the raw data from the configuration file before any field validator as explain in New developers are encouraged to examine existing fields (in module iota2.configuration_files.sections) in order to understand how to deal with errors and incompatibility.