Welcome to iota2 main page

Land cover mapping

This is the classification module for land cover mapping.

Getting started: Tutorial
Going further:
Land cover mapping parameters
Using auto-context classification
How to use custom external features?

Spectral Indices Maps

This iota2 module produces features maps.

According to user specification, features are computed using reflectance data and the iota2 multi-tiles scheduler.

This mode use user provided python code to produce various kind of indices.

Getting started: with the tutorial
Going further:
Features map configuration parameters
How to use custom external features?

Large scale vectorization

This iota2 module produces a vectorized land cover map.

Zonal Statistics are computed and added to geometry in the produced map.

Getting started: with the tutorial
Going further:
Vectorization configuration parameters

Classifier comparison

Interact with the iota2 community

Contact the community

iota2 is still under development. To see the progress, discuss with the development team or view the code sources go to https://framagit.org/iota2-project/iota2/

iota2 is a project in constant development. The documentation is therefore sometimes insufficient to succeed in using iota2. These articles are here to help a user interact with the development team and eventually contribute directly to the improvement of iota2 or its documentation.

Asking for help ?
A bug was discovered ?

How to contributes

There are no small contributions

Main topics:
Fix bug in documentation
Ask for features

Documentation for developers

Understand how iota2 is built

These pages explain how iota2 handled time series and multi tilling images.

iota2 workflow
iota2 scheduling

Development tools

These pages would help a developer to contribute to iota2..

Main topics:
Development recomendations
Configuration parameters

iota2 is still under development. To see the progress, discuss with the development team or view the code sources go to https://framagit.org/iota2-project/iota2/

Other Versions v: issue#79-regression